The Cleaning Tasks You're Forgetting, Even Super Hosts Miss These!

The Cleaning Tasks You're Forgetting, Even Super Hosts Miss These!

Every Airbnb Superhost knows that the most important rating category is cleanliness. The stakes are high and it’s easy to slipup! If you’re not on top of cleanliness your rating could end up in the toilet, speaking of, absolutely NEVER forget to clean the toilet.

We’ve compiled a list of the most common slipups that even the most seasoned Super Host can forget.

  1. Coffee maker and small appliances

You make your morning brew, your bacon and eggs and before you know it, it’s almost check out time. So you wash the dishes, pack up and hit the road. More often than not we’ll find used coffee grinds in the coffee maker, and we totally get it! It’s easy for our guests to miss it so we are extra careful to give it a once-over and good clean before our next checkin. This rule applies to other small appliances like the toaster and blender. And over time these always need an extra deep clean.

  1. Shower curtains and liners

These guys are sneaky! They can look clean but can easily get a slimy and grimy soap scum build up. We wipe them down often and pull them closed after so they can dry out properly. We also replace the liner a few times during our busy season when we have guests with longer stays.  We also have a fabric shower curtain that we can easily throw it in the washing machine to remove any stains or smells.

  1. Children’s toys and games

Not every stay includes children but when it does there is a whole other set of cleaning rules that apply. Little hands can make a big mess! We wipe toys, games and books so they are sanitized and ready for the next set of kiddos. We also make sure the highchair and pack-in-play are in good shape and give them a clean if they were used. If you have glass doors or low windows you might also find little hand prints. The cuteness makes the extra cleaning worth it.

  1. Throw pillows and blankets

These don’t require a wash after ever guest and it’s easy to forget something that’s not in your regular routine. We always do a once over of throw pillows and blankets even if they look unused. We look for stains and more importantly do the sniff test. It’s not common for these items to smell “bad” but often strong cologne or perfume smells will linger so we like to neutralize this before our next guest. Bonfires are common for our guests as well and this smell tends to cling to fabrics. 

  1. Baseboards and underneath furniture

Dust will settle anywhere and sometimes out of sight means out of mind. Under couches, beds and coffee tables can be surprisingly dusty. We use all the attachments in our vacuum arsenal to reach these less obvious spots and a Swiffer Duster also works great on our hardwood. Baseboards can also collect dust and get easily scuffed so we often take a damp cloth and give these a wipe.  

  1. Doorknobs and switches

Light switches and doorknobs are regularly touched, making them a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. It’s also amazing how quickly they become visibly dirty, and this would be a huge guest turn-off! We use a disinfecting cleaner between stays.

We work hard for that five-star cleaning rating and for good reason. A clean and well maintained space truly sets the tone for your guests stay. But one slipup or forgotten task can give reason to rate lower and nullify the hours of cleaning and preparation you did for their stay. The devil is in the details so pay attention to these commonly overlooked areas and your Superhost status will be safe!

Don't want to miss a step? Find our free printable cleaning checklist for Airbnb hosts below. 


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